Bouteloua dimorpha Columbus

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a) Weedy cornfields and thickets just above
S end of big bridge.
Low mat-forming grasses on sand and
gravel shoulder at S end of bridge.
c) Capparis baducca and other shrubs, on
dirt road along river 1/A km SW of S
end of big bridge.
Thorny shrub and small tree thickets,
with Luehea, ceroid cacti, Bromelia,
Mimosa sp., etc., in degraded pastured
savanna on top of plateau just S of
Rio Antigua, ca. 3 km WSW of big bridge.
Big bridge over Rio Antigua (Puente
Nacional—note: not the town by that name),
ca. 38 km WNW of VERACRUZ along main road
to Xalapa. (19°18’N, 96°28'W). Alt. ca.
50-200 m.
H. H. litis
A. Lasseigne
Ho. 242_
7 October 1978
New York Botanical Garden
Field work supported by National Science Foundation
Grant No. BH S74-21861, 0. N. Allen Herbarium Fund,
& The Research Committee, Graduate School, University
of Wisconsin-Madison.