Dioclea scabra (Rich.) R.H.Maxwell var. scabra

  • Region

    South America

  • Country


  • State/Province


  • Locality

    Alto Tapajós, Rio Cururú. 1-10 km upriver (SE) from village of Pratatí.

  • Elevation

    Alt. 200 - 300 m. (656 - 984 ft.)

  • Coordinates

    -8, -57.08

  • Distribution

    Map all specimens of this taxon

Herbarium of Indiana University
PiOCljEft SfABfctV	I'M. ScflBftA
let fc.H. "AXUBU C«4t!>)mS£f>T. JM3
Collected for The New York Botanical Garden by W. R. Anderson,
S. G. da Fonseca, R. Reis dos Santos, and R. Souza
Estado do Par£
Alto Tapajos, Rk> Cururu
Dioclca glebre Bentkam
1-1Okm upriver (SE) from village of Pratati;
elev. 200-30Qm; ca. 8°S, 57°5,W.
Dense inundated vegetation of trees and vines
along edge of river at flood level.
Vine in trees; flowers purplish.
William R. Anderson -j __-| p February 1974
Field work supported in part by funds from the National Science Foundation
and conducted with the collaboration of the Universidade de Brasilia and the
Institute de PeaQuisa Agropecu&ria do Norte.