Aristida adscensionis L.

Flora of Los Angeles County, California, U.S. A.
Aristida adscensionis L.
SAN CLEMENTE ISLAND: Head of Chenetti Canyon,
on the W prong of the trident formed at the top of the
longest tributary; 1330 ft SSE of Rest triangulation point
(1336-ft), USGS San Clemente Island South 7.5' Quad.;
near 32°50'53.8"N 118°2435"W; elev. ca. 1175-1185 ft.
Sparsely vegetated southwesterly slope just above the draw,
with loose gray gravelly metamorphics (?).
Locally common annual with reddish herbage, growing
intermixed with the very similar looking Muhlenbergia appressa
(also with reddish herbage); also locally associated with
scattered Opuntia littoralis, O. prolijera, Calystegia macrostegia
ssp. amplissima, Stipa pulchra, Trifolium willdenovii, Croton
[Eremocarpus] setiger. Salvia columbariae, Filago califomica,
Dichelostemma pulchellum, Lupinus agardhianus, Silene
antirrhina, Lotus argophyllus ssp. omithopus, Selaginella
bigebvii, and encroaching Vulpia myuros, A vena barbata, and
Bromus rubens.
Timothy S. Ross 8597	21 May 1995
with Gery Allan, Mark Elvin