Trichostigma octandrum (L.) H.Walter

  • Filed As

    Trichostigma octandrum (L.) H.Walter

  • Identifiers

    NY Barcode: 1510527

    Occurrence ID: f63674aa-ba76-4cee-83b4-b7939d1cf0f1

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OCR>>>PLANTS OF THE WEST INDIES A. C Smith, no. 10593	April 15> 1956
Trichostigma oc tan drum (L.) Walt.
Dot. E. C. LmuH Shrub 2 au high, with spreading branches; infructescence-brancheB and ca3yx rich pink; fruit purple«
V®GIN iSL,AN?S: VlRG1N GoM)a- Summit and eastern slope ot Virgin Peak; alt. 150-420 m.
Collected on the Smitbsonian-Bredin Caribbean Expedition<<<OCR