Schoepfia schreberi J.F.Gmel.

FLORA OF ARUBA Herbarium of Utrecht University (U)
schreberi J.F. Gmel.
Det. A.S.J. van Proosdij	1999
Rooi Thomas
Valley in limestone terrace. Full sunlight, dry surface, but moist underneath rocks.
Shrub, 1.5 m high; branches slightly arching. Bark light brown, strongly furrowed. Leaves thick, coriacous, pale green. Calyx very small, green; corolla tube yellow, lobes orange. Fruits green, becoming red, shiny.
A.S.J.	van Proosdij
B.P.	van de Riet S.A.L. Zander
nr. 735 20-02-1999<<<OCR