Pitcairnia fuertesii Mez

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    Pitcairnia fuertesii Mez

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    NY Barcode: 1502345

    Occurrence ID: a106bcd4-2676-404d-8a81-de49ff2f10cf

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OCR>>>51. Pitcairnia fuertcsii Mez, Reperì. Sp. Nov. 12: 415. 1913.
Pitcairnia tomentosa sensu Mez, DC. Monogr. Phan. 9s 389. 1896; non Dietrich ex Beer 1857.
Pitcairnia fit I gens sensu Mez in Urban, Symb. Alitili. 8: 87. 1920; non Decaisne ex Dietrich 1851.
Based on Taylor 109 (NY).
Plant stemless or with a very short stout caudex, flowering 1 m high. Leaves numerous; sheaths elliptic, dark-castaneous, subglabrous; blades dimorphic, some reduced to rigid, dark-castaneous, coarsely retrorse-spinose spines, others green, linear, attenuate, 1 m long, 1 cm wide, narrowed at the base but not truly petiolate, coriaceous, laxly spinulose-serrate throughout or nearly so, glabrous above, covered beneath with a fine membrane of white coalesced scales. Scape erect, 6 mm in diameter, sparsely whitc-flocculose, soon glabrous; scape-bracts lanceolate, the lower ones with elongate filiform-attenuate blades, the upper ones shorter than the internodcs. Inflorescence simple or few-branched, 30~37 cm long; axes sparsely furfuraccous; primary bracts lanceolate, acuminate, 1 cm long; branches subdensely racemose, the lateral ones ascending with a long sterile base, up to 15 cm long. Floral bracts lanceolate, acuminate, membranaceous, longer or shorter than the pedicels; flowers erect or suberect; pedicels slender, less than 1 cm long. Sepals lance-oblong, abruptly acute, 17—25 mm long, ecarinate, glabrous; petals linear, obtuse, up to 53 mm long, exceeding the stamens, bright-red, bearing a crenulate scale slightly above the base; pistil equaling the petals; ovary more than half superior; ovules short-caudate.
TYPE. Fuertcs 364 (holotvpc, B; isotypes, BM, Gli, M, S, SI), near Barali on a, Republica Dominicana, Aug 1910.
DISTRIBUTION. Terrestrial and saxicolous, open slopes, 300—1600 m alt, Hispaniola. HAITI. Trou d’Eau, Glore, lìtang Sa urna tre, 22 Jul 1924, Ekman 11-1073 (S); Massif de la Fosse, Grand Goavc, Mon t-Carmcl, 7 Nov 1924. Ekman 11-2418 (S, US); Mo me Fourrise, Port-de-Paix, Massif du Nord, 14 Aug 1925, Ekman 11-4648 (S); St. Raphael, Nord, 2 Dec 1925, Leonard 7659 (US); Les Roseaux, 20 Sep 1928, Ekman 11-10727 (S); Dubois to Fonds Verrettcs, 30 Jul 1942, Hold ridge 1386 (US). REPUB LICA DOMINICANA. Puerto Plata, 16 Jun 1887, Eggers 2498 (BM, Gil, K); Constanza, Tuerckheim 3714 (GII); 22 Oct 1950% Jimenez 2124 (US); San Lorenzo, Sam ana Bay, 29—30 Oct 1909, Taylor 109 (NY); Piava Madama, Cabo Samana, 9 May 1930, Ekman 14928 (S); Los Haitises, Cucva de los Cucros, Samana, 30 Jun 1930, Ekman 11 15507 (S); Azua, Mar 1913, Rose, Fitch & Russell 4081 (NY, US); 21 Sep 1946, Howard 9189 (GII); San José de las Matas, Santiago, 23 Aug 1929, Va le nr 88 (S, US); San Juan, Azua, 1 7 Sep 1929, Ekman I l-l 3616 (S, US); Jarabacoa, La Vega, 18 Nov 1929, Ekman 14180 (S); Monción, Monte Cristy, 8 Nov 1931, Valeur 744 (US); Rio Arriba del Norte, San Juan, 9-14 Sep 1946, Howard 8876 (GII, US).
LOCAL NAME. Maya cìmarrona (Republica Dominicana).