Sphagnum macrophyllum Bernh. ex Brid. var. macrophyllum

  • Filed As

    Sphagnum macrophyllum Bernh. ex Brid. var. macrophyllum

  • Location

    United States of America. Southern New Jersey to Florida.

  • Specimen Notes

    May have been in one packet with NY specimens barcode # 270982 and 270983, which would explain why determiner calls this specimen Austin 41 a; only word on label is an "a". May be from herbarium of J. A. Allen.

  • Identifiers

    NY Barcode: 270984

    Occurrence ID: 2aa8ff10-f434-4488-ac7d-ec2f84debc67

  • Exsiccatae

    Exsiccatae Number: 41a

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