Fagus grandifolia Ehrh.

Revision of the genus Fagus (l
° + 7*
Fagus grandifolia Ehrh.
ssp. caroliniana (Loudon) Camp ex Shen, comb. nov.
det. SHEN Chung-Fu, 1991 The New York Botanical Garden
Herbarium of the University of Florida Agricultural Experiment Station
Plants of Florida Fagus grandifolia Ehrh.
Trunk 4.5 dm. dbh., bark smooth, gray; one of two trees ''other 3.5 dm. dbh.), with Ostrya virginiana, no reproduction; moist woods on bank of ox-bow channel of Falling Creek, ca. 1/4 mi. above the falls, ca. 5 mi. nw. of Lake City, SI, T8S, R16E, Columbia County
coll. D. B. Ward 5615, with Wm. D’Arcy
29 April 1966
det. D. B. W.