Viola coahuilensis H.E.Ballard

  • Filed As

    Viola coahuilensis H.E.Ballard ined.

  • Identifiers

    NY Barcode: 01444390

    Occurrence ID: 09933eeb-bdf4-4bb8-9a7f-1b9e305a6a83

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OCR>>>U.S. Deparfmenf of Agriculture
Agricultural Research Service - Crops Research Division
Cotton Branch Herbarium
Vio^a venosa (S. Watson) Rydberg
MEXICO: COAHUILA: Madera del Carmen: above Campo Cinco; alt. 7300 ft; common on forest floor; flowers bright yellow with purple markings in throat and on outside of petals.
Collector : P. Fryxell Date’ 21 June 1976
No. 2692<<<OCR