Quercus magnoliifolia Née

11076 QUERCUS MAGNOLIFOLIA Nee Coll: R. Spellenberg, J. Bacon
30	June 1992 MEXICO, DURANGO, Mcpo. Topia, on the new road between Canelas and Topia along the N slope of the Sierra, 13 kt N of Canelas, 17 k* S of Topia, elev. 1310 i.
Steep N-facing slope, with Q. subspathalata, Q. scytophylla, Q. laeta, pines.
Trees to 10 ? tall, branches contorted; trunk 2.5 ? dia.; leaves shiny green adaxially, pale, dull beneath. 3 trees in collection (A-C).
Distributed froa NHC to: NMC, CAS, CIIDIR, NY