Witheringia wurdackiana Benítez

«fl. Witheringia wurdackinana Benitez de Rojas Det. Mario Sousa Peña 1998 G.S. Torrey Herbarium (CONN)
Plants of Chiapas, Mexico
Witheringia cuneata (Standi*) Hunz.
det. M.Neet 1986
Flowers white. Shrub 10 feet tall.
Steep slope with dense Montane Rain Forest, Magnolia, Podocarpus, Calatola and Ardisia, in the Selva Negra 10 km ahnvp 'Rayón Mezcalapa alon^ road to Jitotol. Municipio of Rayon.
Elevation 1700 m
D. E. Breedlove 3 540 2
27 May 197 3