Physalis nicandroides Schltdl.

HERBARIUM OF U.C. RIVERSIDE Mpio de Cómala, Colima, Mexico
PhystHs n)cM<Le>¡J¿J ScldM- sol
AzA. U. H/U.Mo
Rancho El jabalí, ca. 22 km. NNW ol city oi Coltma. near the Jalisco state line; south and east sides of Lago Calabozo. (Near 19*26.25 N. 103*40.5 W). Elev. 1475 m. Open rough pasture and mesophyll forest. Uncommon erect annual, ca. .8 m high, in open and by wash; fls. greenish white. Foliage sticky, with rank odor.
A.C. Sanders *8517	29 Aug. 1988
1.Garcia-Ruiz, G.Ballmer & T.Krantz