Physalis nicandroides Schltdl.

Herbarium of U. C. Riverside Plants of Mpio. Comala, Colima, Mexico
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Rancho El Jabali, 20 km (airline) NNW of Colima in the SW foothills of the Volcan de Colima; clay soils on steep volcanic slopes; natural vegetation humid montane (cloud) forest, but partially cut and now in second growth dominated by Lippia pringlei. Ridgetop in hills at a shrine 4.9 km SE of Hac. San Antonio on the road to Comala. (Near 19° 26.2'N, 103° 41.8'W.) Alt. 1450 m. Solitary 0.75 m high annual; in disturbed area. FIs. greenish-white.w/ a green spot in throat, below each lobe. Frt. reddish-brown when ripe.
A. C. Sanders #10277	6 Jan. 1991
w/ B. L. Phillips & B. M. Rothschild