Physalis leptophylla B.L.Rob. & Greenm.

  • Filed As

    Physalis leptophylla B.L.Rob. & Greenm.

  • Identifiers

    NY Barcode: 1458191

    Occurrence ID: 2b53f226-95d5-4954-8cec-21693bc47881

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PLANTS OF MEXICO Arizona State University
Physalis leptophylla Rob. & Greenm.
Estado de Sonora:
Puenta La Pila; drainage above "El Palmar"; c. 20 km E of Onavas; 28 29’N, 109 22’W.
Riparian drainage in short-tree forest. Assoc, spp.: Ceiba, Bursera, Vitex, Ficus, Bumelia, Coursetia, Erythea, "hecho". Scattered low annual; fls. mostly past (were yellow with purplish markings midway up corolla; capsules inflated.
800 m
Elaine Joyal 1583	3 April 1991