Physalis cordata Mill.

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    Physalis cordata Mill.

MEXICO: Edo. de Jalisco No. 13106: Physalis cordata Mili.
Semi succulent herb; cor. yellow, each petal with a large central brown spot; anths. dull blue-violet. Abundant along line marking lower edge of vegetation zone. Cyperus 13109 = C. sordidus, Cyperus 13096 =
C. amabilis. [Distr. 13106: IBUG, MEXU, MICH, NY,
vegeiauon low growing, noi ax an diverse.
(A^Treeless zone (0-15 m alt.), encircling lower third of islet; Cyperus 13109 dominant, Physalis cordata (13106) subdominant, w/ Antigonon 13100, Cyperus 13096, and very few other low herbs.
B)	Woodland occupying upper 2/3rds of islet (15-ca. 80 m alt., zone of different widths at different places): "Bosque Tropical Subdeciduo": Tabebuia chrysantha (biggest diam. tree)-Heliocarpus (most frequent tree, second biggest in diam.)-Plumeria rubra-Ficus (3 spp., incl. F. cotinifolia and F. petiolaris; third biggest in diam.); all trees the same height, 7-9 m, forming a very low canopy stratum; shrubs, lianas, and epiphytes infrequent, herbs rare and scattered.
C)	Grassy clearing on summit (less than 100 m).
LOS ARCOS DE PUERTO VALLARTA, an arch of five very small coastal islets along the Bajia de Banderas coast, located from 150 to 500 m offshore, 1.3 km due N of Boca Mismaloya and 10 km due SW of downtown Puerto Vallarta (20o32’35“N, 105o17’21“W). Many of the cliffs and slopes are too steep to support much vegetation, and the topography is too rugged to allow landfall anywhere except on one small rocky point of the largest (only) islet, from which all these collections were made. The islets are composed entirely of conglomerate.
Theodore S. Cochrane, with Antonio Vázquez G., Leticia Hernández L., & Daniel T. Aussem No. 13,106	August 17,1993
Field work supported by the Instituto Manantlán de Ecología y Conservación de la Biodiversidad (IMECBIO), Univ. de Guadalajara and the Natural History Museums Council, E.K. & O.N. Alien Herbarium Fund, and the Davis Fund, all of the Univ. of Wisconsin-Madison.