Quercus vaseyana Buckley

Quercus pungens Lieb«, var. vaseyana (Buckl.) C. H. Hull.
COAHUILA: hpio. General Cepeda: Chihuahuan shrubland, mostly 1-3 in tall, in upper reaches of Canada el Aguirreno, from 0-1 ki H of old Barita «ine, ca. 4-5 air kt fro« «outh of canyon, ca. 11 air k« SE of Las Coloradas, on NM side of Sierra la Paila; Las Coloradas 1:50,000 Quad.; 26°06’15"N, 101°35’30"H. Elev. 1600-1820 «. Geology - Lower Cretaceous limestones. Community domnated by Gochnatia hypoleuca, Fraxinus greggii, Rhus virens, fícacia berlandieri, Berberis trifoliolata, Bauhinia rasosissima, Sernardia gyricaefolia, Quercus pungens, Dodonaea viscosa, and other shrubs. Much-branched shrub, 1.5-2.5 s tall.
Edwin L. Bridges, L. Hoodruff, J. Villarreal, & H. Perez 13083 5 April 1990 The University of Texas Herbariu« (TEX-LL)