Quercus pringlei Seemen

PLANTS OF MEXICO Quercus pringlei Trel.
Tamaulipas, Mexico; ca 52 air km WNW of Jaumave, ca 10. km NW of Miquihuana, 10 km N of La Perdida on top of ridge along high road to Marcela; chaparral with Cer-cocarpus, Mortonia, Dasylirion, Hechtia, Quercus pringlei, Rhus virens, Gochnatia, Agave	lecheguilla,	Leucophyllum,
Berberis, Bouteloua, Orthosphenia, Pinus nelsoni, Opuntia, Vauquelinia, Ceanothus greggii etc. Common, low, spreading shrubs 4 ft tall, 8 ft wide, bark gray, checkered, Ivs. yellow-green.
Ca 2200 m, near 23°38'N lat, 99°52'W long.
J. Henrickson 19169	October 9, 1982
with W. Hess
California State University, Los Angeles