Quercus sapotifolia Liebm.

The New York Botanical Garden
Plants of MEXICO
Quercus persiifolia Liebm., probably, but habit suggests depressa H. & B. det. D. Breedlove, 1990 Edo. Veracruz, Mun. Villa Aldama, 13 km. (by air) NE of town of Perote, 3 km. N from Cruz Blanca (along Hwy. Mex. 140) on gravel road to Las Minas, near stone bridge over Quebrada Churrero. 19°40'N, 97o10’30" W. alt. 2325 m. Rolling terrain at east edge of plateau, formerly forest of Pinus cf. rudis, now only a few large trees remaining and no reproduction, mostly shrubby vegetation 1-3 m. tall, grazed, dominated by Baccharis, Quercus spp., Buddleia.
Abundant, shrubs less than 7 dm. tall, very similar in habit to no. 32901. Acorns occasional.
Coll.: M. Nee 32900
24 Aug. 1986