Nicotiana obtusifolia M.Martens & Galeotti

  • Filed As

    Nicotiana obtusifolia M.Martens & Galeotti

  • Specimen Notes

    [Two collections on one sheet; 2nd label needs a barcode]

  • Identifiers

    NY Barcode: 1412659

    Occurrence ID: c31726f4-c232-4bac-b630-a8046e311ae2

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Nicotiana trigonophylla Dunal
Det. P.C. Hutchison Date 17 Oct. 1951
Lient. A. W. Whipple’s Exploration for a Railway Route, from the
Mississippi River to the Pacific Ocean, near the 35th parallel of Latitude,
in 1853-4.
Collected by Dr. J. M. Bigelow, Surgeon and Botanist to the expedition.
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Fr6mont‘s Expedition to California, 184jf"^