Nicotiana acuminata (Graham) Hook.

  • Filed As

    Nicotiana acuminata (Graham) Hook.

  • Identifiers

    NY Barcode: 1412204

    Occurrence ID: 33db132b-5f04-4cc6-84b2-8bc620a51254

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Division: Anthophyta_Collector Lowell Ahart
aMt. Dlootyledoneae_Nov« 9» 1986
Family: Solanaoeae_
Saentiiie N««.« Nlootlana acuminata Hook, var.
mnl tlflora (Phil.) Reiohe_ - .
Common Nun«: MSny-flowered TpbaOOO_
Lake Orovllle, California_
Plant Association: Foothill Woodland_
H.Ki,. Annual, sterna 5-12 dm. tall_
Altitude: 88?	___
Butte County
On dry red rocky disturbed soil, under the
or below the high water line of Lake Oroville
at the boat launoh area off the Oroville
Quincy Highway, near Canyon Creek, about 12
miles north-east of Oroville, Butte County,
California. Unoommon. Flowers greenish-