Lycianthes rzedowskii E.Dean

Grown in greenhouse at UC Berkeley.
A Revision of Lycianthes series Meizonodontae
(UC) UC Berkeley/ (MEXU) Herbario Nacional Mexico
Lycianthes rzedowskii E. Dean
Mexico: State of Mexico; Mpio. Sultepec; NE of Capula along the road to Sultepec,
ca. 2.5 rd km from the outskirts of Capula, 1 rd km NW of the turnoff to Tejupilco;
2317 m
Moist disturbed forest with obvious signs of human use, with Annonaceae, Araceae,
Phytolaccaceae, and ferns. Northern exposure, mostly shady but one plant right by
road on mound of dirt. Yellowish soil. Uncommon herb, some of the plants appearing
clonal, others solitary. Herbaceous perennial; forest plants taller and thinner than
plants in full sun; flowers white with purple rays, open at time of collection (9 am).
Ellen Dean 212	13 Jul 1990
with Thomas Starbuck
Fieldwork supported by grants and fellowships from:
the National Science Foundation, Explorer's Club, Sigma Xi, Hardman Foundation,
Tinker Foundation, and UC Berkeley