Lycianthes moziniana (Dunal) Bitter

  • Filed As

    Lycianthes moziniana (Dunal) Bitter

  • Identifiers

    NY Barcode: 1424552

    Occurrence ID: fe560933-5fba-4e2d-87c3-e8d395215fd6

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Grown in greenhouse at UC Berkeley.
Harvested: 2.	3
A Revision of Lycianthes series Meizonodontae
(UC) UC Berkeley/ (XAL) Instituto de Ecología, Xalapa
Lycianthes moziniana (Dun.) Bitter
Mexico: State of Jalisco; Mpio. Mazamitla?; Sierra del Tigre. Ca. 4.6 rd mi along rd to El
Corral de la Muía, S of Mazamitla. Rd leaves hwy 110 at Puerto Zapoteria and winds into the
mountains. 6500 - 6600 ft.
Disturbed pine-oak woodland with huge agricultural fields cut into them, large stands of com.
Plants found along roadside near com field, and along old logging rd in pine forest. Said to
occur as a weed in the com fields here. Soil moist, red-brown, sometimes in deep pine duff.
Rare, only a few groups of plants scattered widely. Erect perennial herb from storage root,
some evidence of grazing. One plant quite large with one main stem, branched at top. All
these plants sterile.
Informant: Woman who owns large comfield.Use: Weed of com fields. Indigenous name:
Ellen Dean 328	22 Nov 1991
with Thomas Starbuck
Fieldwork supported by grants and fellowships from:
the National Science Foundation, Explorer's Club, Sigma Xi, Hardman Foundation,
Tinker Foundation, and UC Berkeley