Lycianthes ciliolata var. pratorum Bitter
Filed As
Lycianthes ciliolata var. pratorum Bitter -
NY Barcode: 1424499
Occurrence ID: 68dcf079-8169-4389-826b-6f9f3e199105
All Determinations
Location Notes
[Mexico & Central America]
Grown in greenhouse at UC Berkeley. Harvested: A Revision of Lycianthes series Meizonodontae (UC) UC Berkeley/ (XAL) Institute» de Ecologia, Xalapa Lycianthes ciliolala (Mart. & Gal.) Bitter Mexico: State of Puebla; Mpio. Tehuacan; old field just to the E of the mesa at El Riego, and drainage that crosses dirt road to the SE of El Riego. Same locality as Dean 225. 5500 ft. Dry matorral habitat under cultivation. Opuntia, shrubs, Datura, Physalis, Solatium, Schinus molle. Along footpaths near drainage and at base of mesa. Area now very overgrown with vines and sunflowers. Growing at side of fields planted with corn, squash, beans and castor bean. Soil of limestone origin. Common, but not everywhere. Perennial herb from large storage root. Insect and grazing damage apparent. Fruit turns from green to purple speckled to dark black purple. At maturity, inside has dark black purple outer pulp and a light purple inner pulp. Seeds large and black. Informant: Mirium Espinoza Garcia. Plant use: Sweet edible fruit. Grows in Mirium's family's milpas that are in the hills west of Tehuacan in an area called El Rincon del Viejo. Also common out in the matorral. Indigenous name: "la pera” Ellen Dean 271 27 Sept 1991 with Thomas Starbuck Fieldwork supported by grants and fellowships from: the National Science Foundation, Explorer's Club, Sigma Xi, Hardman Foundation, Tinker Foundation, and UC Berkeley 01424499
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Lycianthes ciliolata var. pratorum Bitter