Chamaesaracha edwardsiana Averett

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    Chamaesaracha edwardsiana Averett

  • Identifiers

    NY Barcode: 01411449

    Occurrence ID: ec9ab373-3bfc-48d9-a1fd-1d3712482225

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Chamaesaracha edwardsiana Averett
John E. Averett
University of Texas Herbarium
Chamaesaracha Coronopus (Dun.) Gray
(fide I«11.Johnston)
On mountain 18 kilo, west of Concepcion del Qro
on Coahuila-Zecatecas border. Many bare sandstone
outcroppings covered with low birush and herbs.
Flowers cream.
ColL by 1. H. Stanford
Elmtlsn. -28-50 Met,r>-
**• OHuiwra	_ _ „ .	_ _	<
X. L. Batbnferd	5V N' L°"iLQl0 US'
July.....2L mi
I. D. Northcraft pe, rm*
McNally Com. Atl. 1935
"o. 585