Phyllanthus epiphyllanthus subsp. dilatatus (Müll.Arg.) G.L.Webster

  • Filed As

    Phyllanthus epiphyllanthus subsp. dilatatus (Müll.Arg.) G.L.Webster

  • Identifiers

    NY Barcode: 1432371

    Occurrence ID: 1fb56605-4216-43a8-8c6c-daaf8cf75b68

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Herbarium Umversitatis Lipsiensis (LZ)
Fam.: Euphorbiaceae
Art:	Phyllanthus epiphyllanthus LINN.	+
Fundort: Kuba (Guantanamo): Baracoa, table mountain “Yunque de Baracoa“, plateau, 74 34'11“W, 20 20'46”N, 580m asl
Standort: submontane cloudinfluenced rainforest on carstic rocks, with small trees and rich epiphytic communities, high precipitation
leg.:	09.03.2002	Sattler, Dietmar (C842002)
det.:	09.03.02 A. Urquiola & J. Gutierrez
Bemerkg.: shrub, 2m
Nr.:	LZ 166553 (Dublette)<<<OCR