Cestrum racemosum Ruiz & Pav.

Edo. Veracruz
Cestrum racemosum R. & P.
det. M. Nee, 1984
1 km. S of Agustfn Melgar, on way to Rio Solosuchil,
Mun. Hidalgotitlan.
17°15'N, 94°34’W	alt. 100 m.
SELVA ALTA PERENNIFOLIA. 12 year-old "acahual"
(secondary growth) and adjacent pastures with a few trees
remaining from the tropical evergreen forest; terrain flat
or gently rolling.
"huele de noche" Tree 9 m. tall, 25 cm. in diameter.
Flowers yellow-green, with some purple on corolla lobes,
seems to just be beginning to flower but also with some
green fruit.
Coll.: M. Nee & K. Taylor 29838	March 3, 1984
Field Museum, Chicago (F); INIREB, Xalapa (XAL)