Heteropterys purpurea (L.) Kunth

  • Filed As

    Heteropterys purpurea (L.) Kunth

  • Identifiers

    NY Barcode: 1380400

    Occurrence ID: 6366bc80-3b2f-4afa-a7d2-2ae5ec5fe8c6

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University of Oxford
Flora of Grenada
Family: Malpighiaceae
Name: % Heteropteris purpurea (L.) Kunth.
Locality: Grenada, St. Patrick, Levera National Park, along road to mangroves about 1 km from park entrance.
12° 12' N, 61°36' W
Notes: Woody climber to 5 m. TWIGS: lenticellate.
LEAVES: petiole glands. FLOWERS: buds pink.
Collector: Hawthorne, W. D., Cable, S. & Jules, D.
Number: 533
Date:	15 June 2001
Distribution: FHO<<<OCR