Byrsonima lucida (Mill.) Rich.

  • Filed As

    Byrsonima lucida (Mill.) Rich.

  • Identifiers

    NY Barcode: 1379966

    Occurrence ID: eecac31a-7ee5-43d6-89cc-751e87041f9c

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OCR>>>United States National Herbarium
The New York Botanical Garden Plants of U.S. Virgin Islands
N° 29300
Byrsonimi lucida (Miller.)L.C. Rich.
Det. R.O. Woodbury, 1984
St. John; Marias Bluff. Coastal scrub.
Shrub 1.3m; corolla white
Byrsonima lucida (Mill.) DC. det. P. Acevedo-Rdgz., 1992.
G.T. Prance, S.A. Mori, J. Earhart,.
A.E. Prance & R.O. Woodbury June 16, 1984<<<OCR