Heliotropium angiospermum Murray

  • Filed As

    Heliotropium angiospermum Murray

  • Identifiers

    NY Barcode: 1352085

    Occurrence ID: e52fa3ea-42f5-4119-a19b-fa6e98b52402

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18* ïïe m»ex -Áieliotropium pnrrifloruaLot^R* engio«permum3vv>-wvo^/\
~ S	8-/v—CVwjgw\5
“A plant with ft white flower,. whose leaves erare chronic aorea. > These und the roots ere employed for swellings, especially those on the lege, washing them with the said plant* After washing it, they place the leaves on the swelling. Its shoots ere useful for curing St« Anthony’s fire. The Maya text prescribe a poultloe of the ofushed ne-maax if or sores on s man* a breast, and a decoction is held in the mouth to eure infected gums* Under the name of ne* max. we find a similar tre tment prescribed for infected gums, although it is Just possible that the ne-max-elcloày be intended.“
(Roys, pg* 8Ô9*)
t«m.0 pi&nt is much used in domestic medicine, tonic and stimulant nrooerties being ascribed to it* It is giren as a remedy for dysentery, nosebleed, aad diseased gums, and is applied to sores and swellings*“ (3tandley, pg. 398.)