Bourreria succulenta Jacq.

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DAUBENY HERBARIUM (FHO) University of Oxford
Flora of Grenada
Family:	Boraginaceàe
Name: ,	Bourreria succulenta Jacq.
Locality:	Grenada, St. David, Mome Gazo, along main nature
	12°02' N, 61°43'W
Alt. (m):	265
Notes:	Tree 14 m tall. BOLE: fluted and slightly sinuey. BARK: smooth, yellow-brown. SLASH: soft, fibrous, pale yellow-brown, darkening orange-brown, smell of tannin. LEAVES: US midrib and secondaries impressed; LS midrib and secondaries prominent. (RHS colour code: Leaf upper =147A, below=146B)
Collector:	Hawthorne, W. D., Cable, S. & Jules, D.
Number:	579
Date:	19 June 2001
Distrib:	FHO<<<OCR