Zygia latifolia var. communis Barneby & J.W.Grimes

  • Filed As

    Zygia latifolia var. communis Barneby & J.W.Grimes

  • Collector(s)

    Forest Department of British Guiana 3618, 30 Jan 1951

  • Location

    Guyana. Keriti Creek, Essequibo River.

  • Habitat


  • Description

    Low tree often drooping from creekside - lvs. 2 paried, chartaceous - fls. cauliflorous on branches, bunched, white, not hairy - filaments crimson on upper half - anthers black - buds grey, faintly pubescent apically. Phenology of specimen: Flower.

  • Identifiers

    NY Barcode: 01299043

    Occurrence ID: 7d020346-089b-4d2f-90c9-2db84e915334

  • Feedback

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  • Region

    South America

  • Country


  • Locality

    Keriti Creek, Essequibo River.

  • Coordinates

    6.55152, -58.6236

  • Coordinate Uncertainty (m)


  • Georeferencing Method

    Georeferencing Quick Reference Guide, Version 2012. Referred to Geonames.org (http://www.geonames.org/maps/google_6.548_-58.619.html, accessed 8/13/2015) and Bing Maps for locality information for Keriti Creek. Georeferenced to the approximate geographic midpoint of Keriti Creek (tributary of Essequibo River) in Essequibo Islands-West Demerara Region, Guyana. Used the reference materials and Google Maps - Earth View to locate Keriti Creek. Used the Google Maps - Measure Distance Tool to measure a straight line from the mouth of the creek (confluence of Keriti Creek and Essequibo River, at: 6.548899, -58.620357), to the headwaters of Keriti Creek (approximated through the dense forest; see: 6.555457, -58.623161), then halved this distance (395.58 m) to find midpoint of the line. Moved midpoint to the closest point along the shore of Keriti Creek (collection assumed to be terrestrial); used the Google Maps - What's Here Tool to find the coordinates of the approximate midpoint of the river. Used the Google Maps - Measure Distance Tool again to find the linear extent by measuring from the selected coordinates to the farthest extent of the creek. Input coordinate source (locality description), coordinates, coordinate precision (.00001 degrees), datum (WGS84), extent of named place (460.4 m), and measurement error (10 m) into the MaNIS Georeferencing Calculator to find the uncertainty radius (according to the Georeferencing Quick Reference Guide, Named Place: River, stream, road, path).

  • Geodetic Datum


  • Distribution

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