Plagiochila adianthoides (Sw.) Lindenb.

  • Filed As

    Plagiochila adianthoides (Sw.) Lindenb.

  • Identifiers

    NY Barcode: 1668080

    Occurrence ID: 22fb2ad1-a1e7-4eb0-906d-33f169be8dfb

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P. (GRANDIFOLT/e) ADIANTOIDES, vars.— Y ungas, alt 6,000
ped., Unduavi, alt. 8,000 ped. (Nos. 3,010, 3,012, 3,013, 3,015,
3,016,3,021, 3,047 pro parte).—Some of these forms,-notably Nos.
3,012, 3,013 and 3,021, approach the West Indian "P. sitperba,"
but are hardly separable from typical P. adiantoides ; and the
“ P. superba ” gathered by d’ Orbigny “ in Boliviae locis udis
silvarum inter Clnipe et Yanacache ” doubtless belongs to the
same category. The original P. superba, founded by Nees on a
plant gathered in the Mauritius by Sieber, however, seems dis-
•rk Botanical Garden