Coffea liberica W.Bull

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    Coffea liberica W.Bull

The New York Botanical Garden Plants of PUERTO RICO
Coffea lib erica Hiern det. M. Nee, 1993
Mun. Mayagiiez, Bo. Leguisamo, along Rio Casei (Casey), just upstream from Hwy. 108 bridge. Disturbed secondary forest on slopes and edges of banana plantations.
18° 15’30“N, 67°05’W. alt. 70 m.
Slender treelets to 6 m. tall. Bark light tan, finely fissured, thin and fragile. This species is cultivated in the region for coffee, but these plants seem to be self-sown. Voucher for
wood specimen, MADw 47958. Voucher for medicinal screening by Pfizer Inc.: 44128a WS (Nee-1031), 44128b SB (Nee-1032), 44128c LF+TW+FR (Nee-1033).
Coll.: M. Nee 44128
5 Nov. 1993<<<OCR