Cyperus brevifolius (Rottb.) Endl. ex Hassk.

  • Filed As

    Cyperus brevifolius (Rottb.) Endl. ex Hassk.

  • Identifiers

    NY Barcode: 1296765

    Occurrence ID: 87d8e12a-4292-4f22-98d2-a09ceb355a14

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OCR>>>DOMINICAN REPUBLIC San Rafael—Independencia
No. 523	^ August 1967
Cyperus “brevifolius (Rottb.) Hassk.
det. Bro. Alain Liogiei
Sunny edge of pond.
Essentially virgin rain-forest on limestone mountains of the Sierra de Neiba, along the Carratera Internacional near the crest of the range, along the Haitian border, vie. line between provinces of San Rafael and Independencia. Elev. 1700—2000 m.
Gerald J. Gastony, Gayle C. Jones, and Daniel H. Nouuis
Collected under auspices of Gray Herbarium of Harvard University, New York Botanical Garden, and Smithsonian Institution, with collaboration of Dr. E. de Js. Marcano F., Universidad Autónoma de Santo Domingo.<<<OCR