Cyperus mutisii (Kunth) Griseb.

No229	July 1967
Cyperus mutisii (_HBK. ) Griseb.
¿Let. Bro. Alain Liogier
Exposed level ground near top of “bluff in open
pine forest. Stiffly erect.
La Ciénega, south bank of Río Los Guanos, just above confluence with Rio de la Izquierda. Fairly dense woods with much dappled sunlight reaching ground cover. Elev. 1100—1200 m.
Gerald J. Gastony, Gayle C. Jones, and Daniel H. Norris
Collected under auspices of Gray Herbarium of Harvard University, New York Botanical Garden, and Smithsonian Institution, with collaboration of Dr. E. de Js. Marcano F., Universidad Autónoma de Santo Domingo.<<<OCR