Ocotea cujumari Mart.

  • Kingdom


  • Division


  • Order


  • Family


  • All Determinations

    Ocotea cujumari Mart. det J. G. Rohwer, 1986

  • Region

    South America

  • Country


  • State/Province


  • Locality

    Basin of Rio Madeira, N. bank of rio Abunã 10 km. above Fortaleza. Forest on terra firme.

  • Coordinates

    -9.8383, -65.5532

  • Coordinate Uncertainty (m)


  • Georeferencing Method

    Georeferencing Quick Reference Guide, Version 2012. Georeferenced to 10 km "above," or upstream, Rio Abunã from the village of Fortaleza do Abunã, on the northern shore of Rio Abunã. Using Google Maps - Earth View, located the approximate geographic center of the shore of Fortaleza do Abunã (along Rio Abunã) in Rondônia, Brazil. Used the Google Maps - Measure Distance Tool to measure approximately 10 km (10.31 km) upstream (toward the headwaters), then used the Google Maps - What's Here Tool to find the coordinates, on the northern shore. Used the Google Maps - What's Here Tool again to find the linear extent of the starting location, of the village of Fortaleza do Abunã, by measuring from the approximate geographic center of the village to the apparent farthest extent (there are no marked nearby named places on the same side of Rio Abunã; used visual evidence to approximate this). Input coordinates, linear extent (3.08 km), measurement error (.0025 km), and distance precision (1 km) to find the uncertainty radius.

  • Geodetic Datum


  • Distribution

    Map all specimens of this taxon

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