Chara zeylanica Klein ex Willd.

  • Filed As

    Chara zeylanica Klein ex Willd.

  • Collector(s)

    V. W. Proctor X-560, Aug 1973

  • Location

    Venezuela. Carabobo. southeast shore of Lago de Valencia.

  • Identifiers

    NY Barcode: 01192354

    Occurrence ID: 240b87c0-e65a-4bc8-bde8-7e9a466241ef

  • Feedback

    Send comments on this specimen record

  • Kingdom


  • Division


  • Class


  • Order


  • Family


  • All Determinations

    Chara zeylanica Klein ex Willd. det A. M. Eliach, 19 May 2010
    Note: Fragment removed for DNA analysis. KGK1095 [original determination label printed with incorrect date of 05/28/2010]

    Chara zeylanica Klein ex Willd. det V. W. Proctor, 25 Sep 1973
    Note: (Topotype mateial of C. compressa)

    Chara compressa Kunth, s.d.

  • Region

    South America

  • Country


  • State/Province


  • Locality

    southeast shore of Lago de Valencia

  • Coordinates

    10.1108, -67.6184

  • Georeferencing Method

    Estimated using locality data.

  • Distribution

    Map all specimens of this taxon

The New York Botanical Garden

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Fragment removed for DNA analysis.
A. M. Eliach and K. G. Karol 05/28/2010

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On this date, I compared Chara fertilissima (Tijera #2) with living specimens
of Proctor No. X-560, originally collected by me in August, 1973, from Lago de
Valencia, Venezuela. X-560 was collected from the southeast shore of the lake,
ca. 15-20 kms. from the point where Humboldt collected jC. compressa (=C. zeylanica)
in 1800. I am of the opinion that HBK's JC. compressa (which I examined earlier
in P®, Tijera's #2 (11,519), and my X-560 are all conspecific, even to the ex-
tent of probably being genetically identical.

The following remarks refer specifically to the six sprigs of a single clone
(X-560) that I am submitting, as of this date, to |NY*J under the name Chara
zeylanica Klein ex Willd. (=£. compressa HBK) as a companion specimen to H. Pittier-
11,519 (Tijera #2): gametangia conjoined, may be present at first node, but more
commonly at the second and beyond; antheridia tetrascutate; branchlets 11-13 per
whorl, most often of (7)-8-(9) segments, the distal 2-3 segments ecorticate, but
there may be as few as five segments, all of which are ecorticate, or finally,
there may be as many as eight segments, all fully corticated exactly as in Tijera
#2. In short the degree of branchlet cortication is not constant even within a
single clone and consequently must be considered of only limited taxonomic sig-
nificance. Bract cells of sterile branchlets usually verticillate, those of
fertile branchlets more often unilateral. Length of spine cells varies greatly.

L/W ratio of oogonia and oospores varies with intensity of light under which they
are cultured. Recurving branches are present. Chromosome number (X-560): n = 28.
Sperm of X-560 can effect darking of oogonia of tetrascutate C_. zeylanica (Clone
415) from Jin Wells County, Texas. No collection of Chara other than those listed
here have ever been reported from Lago de Valencia. Plants were still abundant
along southeast shoreline in August, 1973, but pollution appears to be widespread.

C. compressa may be expected to disappear from the lake within a few decades.



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* duplicate sheet to JbJ

Vernon W. Proctor
Lubbock, Texas
25 September, 1973
