Mimosa pigra L. var. pigra
Filed As
Mimosa pigra L. var. pigra -
G. T. Prance 5349 with D. Philcox, E. Forero, K. P. Dumont, L. F. Coelho, J. F. Ramos & L. G. de Farias, 29 Jun 1968
Brazil. Rondônia. Island in rio Madeira at mouth of rio Jaciparaná.
Shrub, 3m tall. Leaves sensitive, fruit brown, stem thorny and hairy. (Capitulum white, not collected). Phenology of specimen: Flower, Fruit.
NY Barcode: 01346412
Occurrence ID: a7264c35-b653-4401-8e88-8424724ae9cb
All Determinations
Mimosa pigra L. var. pigra
Note: "See Taxon 42:695. 1993"Mimosa pellita Humb. & Bonpl. ex Willd. var. pellita det R. C. Barneby
Note: [Cited as this taxon in R. Barneby, "Sensitvae Censitae," Memoirs NYBG 65. 1991.]Mimosa pellita Humb. & Bonpl. ex Willd. det R. C. Barneby, 1991
Mimosa pigra L. det H. S. Irwin, 1969
South America
Island in rio Madeira at mouth of rio Jaciparaná.
-9.19404, -64.397
Coordinate Uncertainty (m)
Georeferencing Method
Georeferencing Quick Reference Guide, Version 2012. There are a few small islands that likely once formed the "island" stated in the locality description; considered the islands to be one joint island. Georeferenced to the approximate geographic center of the island opposite the city of Jaci Paraná in Rio Madeira. Used Google Maps - Earth View to locate the island opposite of Jaci Paraná in Rio Madeira. Used the Google Maps - What's Here Tool to find the coordinates of the approximate geographic center of the island (considering the few small islands as one island mass). Used the Google Maps - Measure Distance Tool to find the linear extent by measuring from the selected coordinates to the farthest extent of the island. Input coordinates, coordinate precision (.00001 degrees), datum (WGS84), linear extent (2720.0 m), and measurement error (10 m) into the MaNIS Georeferencing Calculator to find the uncertainty radius (according to Georeferencing Quick Reference Guide, Named Place: Defined Area).
Geodetic Datum
fflmosa to* NEW YORK BOTANICAL GARDEN jMtbs fM> * itM. det. R. Barneby, 1988109* - M. pigra L. var. pigra (see Taxon 42: 695. 1993) Cited as Mimosa pellita Humb. & Bonpl. ex Willd var. pellita by Bameby, Mem. NYBG 65. 1991. JICAL DE*1 01346412 THE NEW YORK BOTANICAL GARDEN INSTITUTO NACIONAL DE PESQUISAS DA AMAZONIA Plants of Brazilian Amazonia Territory of Ronddnia Basin of Rio Madeira No. 53U9 Mimosa O if* L , , , Island in Rio Madeira at mouth of Rio ^aciparanai Shrub, 3m. tall. Leaves sensitive, fruit brown, stem thorny and hairy. (Capitulum white, not collected) G. T. Prance, D. Philcox, E. Forero, L. F. Coelho, J. F. Ramos & L. G. Farias June 29, 1^68 Field work carried out in collaboration with the Instituto de Pesquisas e Experimentado Agropecuaria do Norte, Belém, and financed in greater part by the National Science Foundation. Specimens deposited in: CNPA, NY, US, K, S, MG, F, U, A, R, P. M. MICH, C, G, MO, COL, VEN. 01346412
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Mimosa pigra L. var. pigra