Rudbeckia fulgida Aiton
Filed As
Rudbeckia fulgida Aiton -
C. C. Deam 53133, 18 Sep 1932
United States of America. Indiana. Warren Co. Roadside ditch about a half mile north of the Shawnee Bridge over the Wabash River or about 1 1/2 mi. SW. of Williamsport.
NY Barcode: 1579676
Occurrence ID: 99a70283-46c1-406e-88b1-83531c18f3ad
All Determinations
Rudbeckia fulgida Aiton det J. J. N. Campbell, 2012
Note: Rudbeckia fulgida (sensu lato); aff. palustris ("speciosa-B"); perhaps transition to deamii
North America
United States of America
Warren Co.
Roadside ditch about a half mile north of the Shawnee Bridge over the Wabash River or about 1 1/2 mi. SW. of Williamsport.
NEW YORK nUlftkii Thare s«am to be only tuo spaeias of Rudbeckia in «ar horbarin» which our plant resemblea. One of these 1« R# Daamii Blake and thè other is R* manticola Small* The prò««*! sp«oimensf howevar, show aererai pointa of differw enea ffrom either of theaa speoiea* They agree «all in pub«so«no«f le a f-testare, and gonaral habit, but Deam*a present apeoimena have thè «fin l«a?« a deoidedly ©biancaolata*, obovate or spatulate, while in both R* Deamii and R# montioola thay ar« tha ovata typa most deoidedly# |g 1935 t do no* think that theae apaoimena aro either R* Deamii or R# montioola, although we ha?a far too little material of R# Deamii here to onablo one to obtaitt a fkir idea of how muoh thè le&f^shape in that apeoiaa Tari««» Sin«« that spooles «ras deaoribod trom Indiana» while R* monticala la trom thè mountains of lorth Carolina» west Virginia» Geòrgia, and fonn«ss««, I am inoli*«* to thinfc that thè pr«««nt apeoimena aro «ora olosely related to R» Deamii than to R» montioola« Blake saya that &• Deamii la «liié to R* apeoioaa and E* speciosa far* sullivantiia bat present pianto aro *krth«r remoTed trom thè«« farm3 than «IH R* Deamii# iha present sp«ola«&s hav<T$ior« blunt-pointed l«av«s than our material of H« Deamii# Za short, X A* ui think that thè specimen» are either H. Deaali, R* «ontloolft, Et spi oiosa, or R« speciosa ver* Saliivantil, aor do I tblik they represeat any speoles at | present in oar herbariua, althoogh I woald serial nljr he si- tate to Asserite thè fora as aew Wlthoat a feetter tanlilfi & là' §t thè cono«« Alexanderi A fon» of speciosa, and longer leaves. V»t Deamii, which has thlaasr <^¡¡¡M§É0; P “ " New York Botanical Garden 157Tt?t Rudbeckia fulgida Ait, var. fulgida dei. R# E* Perdue 1956 FLORA OF INDIANA Warren County Chas. C. Deam, collector Rudbeckià Deamii Blake Ho.53,133 Sept. 18, 1933 Roadside ditch about a half mile north of the Shawnee Bridge the Wabash River or about southwest of Williamsport. Rudbeckia Pf. p*(i*stY» s C'$pec\°s« - e”) det. J.J.N. Campbell ^ 2012JUniv. of Kentucky pe'Y^A^fiS T7^^-5/m <sv "to ¿Z'ejatswj / Rudbeckia fulgida Ait. var. deamii (Blake) Perdue det. R. K. Brodberg 197*] 1579676
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Rudbeckia fulgida Aiton