Eriogonum corymbosum Benth. var. corymbosum

  • Filed As

    Eriogonum corymbosum Benth. var. corymbosum

  • Collector(s)

    W. Fertig 24394, 19 Sep 2008

  • Location

    United States of America. Arizona. Coconino Co. Arizona Strip, ca. 6 air miles east of Fredonia and 2 miles north of US Highway 89A east of road to Muggins Flat, ca. 4.5 air miles south of the Utah state line.

  • Habitat

    Base of low ridge on west-facing slope of reddish-brown Moenkopi clay with 5-10% cover of biological soil crust and rock. Community dominated by Eriogonum corymbosum var. corymbosum, Gutierrezia microcephala and Artemisia tridentata var. wyomingensis.

  • Description

    Phenology of specimen: Flower.

  • Identifiers

    NY Barcode: 01084450

    Occurrence ID: 1cf2d841-b359-4948-8af1-9d64edddcbd7

  • Feedback

    Send comments on this specimen record

  • Region

    North America

  • Country

    United States of America

  • State/Province


  • County/Municipio

    Coconino Co.

  • Locality

    Arizona Strip, ca. 6 air miles east of Fredonia and 2 miles north of US Highway 89A east of road to Muggins Flat, ca. 4.5 air miles south of the Utah state line

  • Township, Range, Section

    T41N, R1W, S26 NW4NW4

  • Elevation

    Alt. 1478 m. (4849 ft.)

  • Coordinates

    36.9307, -112.378

  • Geodetic Datum


  • Distribution

    Map all specimens of this taxon

Flora of Arizona
Eriogonum corymbosum Bentham in DC.
var. corymbosum
Coconino Co.	T41N RiW S26 NW4NW4
Arizona Strip, ca 6 air miles E of Fredonia and 2 miles N of
US Hwy 89A east of road to Muggins Flat, ca 4.5 air miles
S of the UT state line.
Lat 36° 55-843”N, Long 1120 22.656^, NAD 83.
Base of low ridge on W-facing slope of reddish-brown
Moenkopi day with 5-10% cover of biological soil crust
and rock. Community dominated by Eriogonum
corymbosum var. corymbosum, Gutierrezia
microcephala, & Artemisia tridentata var.
19 September 2008	Elev. 4850 ft.
Walter Fertig	# 24394