Dasyopsis antillarum M.Howe

  • Filed As

    Dasyopsis antillarum M.Howe ( holotype )

  • Collector(s)

    M. A. Howe 5625, 18 Dec 1907

  • Location

    Turks and Caicos Islands. Caicos. Fort George Cay.

  • Identifiers

    NY Barcode: 01089170

    Occurrence ID: 19fcf23d-6232-4a8e-9d30-3d8b477cfb78

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copyright reserved

The New York
Botanical Garden

Dasya antillarum (howe) silva
Holotype: NY 5625

Defining dasyan characters:

-	primary and secondary radial organisation.

-	presence of numerous adventitious monosiphonous filaments.

-	absence of a conspicuous polysiphonous base at the pseudolaterals.

-	monosiphonous pedicels of stichidia.

-	(only) 5 tetrasporangia in each whorl of the tetrasporangial stichidia.

det. Yde de Jong dat. 22 October 1997.

(Rijksherbarium, Leiden)

Photograph and negative (35 mm. b & w)

present in herbarium of Univ. North Carolina,
Chapel Hill

Annotated __ 19_, by__

Dasyopsis antillarum

The type specimen of Howe's. The
Hawaiian material does not appear con-
specific with this species. No mention
is made of the iridescence^found in
all Hi. plants).Additionally, Hi. plant?
have „ tetete axes an$l branches, and
branches originate from a	thick,

trunk-like holdfast.

Examined by K.E.Schlech. 18VI.81

17. DASYOPSIS Zanard. Saggio ¡Class. Fie. 52. 1813.

Eupogodon Kiitz. Phyc. Germ. 312. 1845.

1. Dasyopsis Antillarum M. A. Howe, sp. nov.

Plants dark vinaceous-purple, claret-brown, or orange-rufous, 4-10 cm.
liigh, rather copiously, irregularly and radially branched, or quasi-pinnate, occa-
sionally subdichotomous below; main axes subterete or slightly flattened, 1-2.5
mm. in diameter; principal branches showing more or less numerous subspines-
cent branchlets 1-3 mm. long, the surface clothed at and near the apices, or
sometimes to bases of the branches and branchlets, with more or less tufted
dichotomous, monosiphonous, often early deciduous ramelli, these springing
chiefly from slightly elevated cushions or sorus-like spots, the segments mostly
15—26 n in diameter, usually ? 3-6 times as long as broad; cortical cells mostly
rather short, 12—70/tt long, 1-5 times as long as broad; stichidia fusiform, 300-
450/x long, 75—150 ¡x in maximum width, borne close to the- rhachides, on one-
celled pedicels or sometimes apparently sessile on the rhachides, occasionally
proliferous at apex and bearing short triehophylls.

On corals in shallow water and washed ashore, Fort George Cay, Caicos Islands
(Howe 5625-—type), and Atwood Cay.

Dasyopsis Antillarum in color and in the character and arrangement of the
monosiphonous ramelli bears some resemblance to small conditions of Dasya pedicel-
lata, but differs in the more copious and more irregular branching, in having short
subspinescent branchlets, in the shorter cortical cells, in the absence of visible peri-
central siphons at the apices, in the more proximal location of the stichidia, etc.

From the Bermudian Dasyopsis spinuligera (Collins & Hervey) M. A. Howe (Dasya
spinuligera Collins & Herv. Proc. Am. Acad. 53: 130, pi. 4. f. 24, 25. 191"), D. Antil-
larum differs in being much larger and coarser, in the more vinaceous-purple color,
in the softer longer-celled monosiphonous ramelli, and in the shorter, more fusiform
stichidia (the stichidia of D. spinuligera are eventually cylindric, with conic apex,
and ©00—800H long by 75-80« in diameter, and they are often geminate).

From the Adriatic and Mediterranean Dasyopsis penUAUata and D. spinel!a, the
species differs much in habit and in not having the monosiphonous ramelli confined
to the apices but springing irregularly from the cortex or from slightly elevated
cushions or sorus-like areas.




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North American Marine Algae

