Tarenaya hassleriana (Chodat) Iltis

  • Filed As

    Tarenaya hassleriana (Chodat) Iltis

  • Collector(s)

    R. S. Santos 24314 with A. Castellanos, 21 Sep 1963

  • Location

    Brazil. Minas Gerais. Riacho dos Machados.

  • Description

    Fl. brancas, pl. pegagosa. Phenology of specimen: Flower.

  • Identifiers

    NY Barcode: 1031662

    Occurrence ID: 5a237989-aad5-4df9-93c4-3d415fa4ab12

  • Feedback

    Send comments on this specimen record

Cleome hassleriana Chod.
(C. spinosa hort. not of Jacq.)
(C. pungens Willd. and of authors)
Det. Hugh’ H. Iltis 19ff
Herbarium, University of Wisconsin, Madison
N." 28256
_ nap aridaceae
Fam. vr^
Nome cient. GI0OW»
Nome vulg.
Loc Email i Minas Gesâis» Riacho dos Machados#
Qbs EU bramas# fQU pogagosa*
Q0I R*J.*a;iftos 9 k* Qftstellanoa 2U31U Data 2X*9»63
Det. #	Data
Rio de Janeiro — Brasil