Pilea pumila (L.) A.Gray

  • Region

    North America

  • Country

    United States of America

  • State/Province

    New York

  • County/Municipio

    Putnam Co.

  • Locality

    ca 7 km (by air) W of New York/Connecticut state border and ca 10 km (by air) N of Putnam/Westchester county border, Ice Pond Conservation Area, E of Ice Pond Road, N of Route 312 and W of Ice Pond.

  • Elevation

    Alt. 134 m. (440 ft.)

  • Coordinates

    41.4518, -73.6153

  • Distribution

    Map all specimens of this taxon

Pilea pumila (L). A. Gray
det. D. E. Atha, 2008
United States of America. New York: Putnam Co. ca 7
km (by air) W of New York/Connecticut state border and ca
10 km (by air) N of Putnam/Westchester county border, Ice
Pond Conservation Area, E of Ice Pond Road, N of Route
312 and W of Ice Pond. 41.451842N, 73.615348W, ca 134
m. (Coordinates and altitude from digital world map; plants
collected within a radius of ca 10 meters).
Small specimen portion removed for phylogenomic analysis:	Sample preserved in silica gel at NY.
Phylogenomic discovery and engineering of nitrogen fixation into the
bioenergy woody crop poplar (doe).	Mar 2oi8	Daniel Atha & Michael Nee 6045	10 Oct 2007
R. Folk et al. (rLAaj