Calomnion milleri Vitt
Filed As
Calomnion milleri Vitt ( isotype ) -
D. H. Vitt 28739, 21 Nov 1981
Australia. Lord Howe Island, Mt. Lidgbird: On SSE slope, just E of Goat House Cave.
along base of basalt cliffs. Dracophyllum fitzgeraldii upper montane rain forest, with lush bryophytic component on trees and cliffs. in Meterosideros nervulosa, tree fern.
Specimen Notes
Herbarium, Univ. of Alberta
NY Barcode: 1717545
Occurrence ID: 2b99067b-f511-4cd4-be74-5e02ca2ca5b1
All Determinations
Type Details
isotype of Calomnion milleri Vitt
Lord Howe Island, Mt. Lidgbird: On SSE slope, just E of Goat House Cave.
Alt. 450 m. (1476 ft.)
-31.57, 159.1
f Volume 1 Number 2 1991 NOVON m A' New Species of Calomnion (Bryopsida) from Lord Howe Island Dale//. l ilt Department of Botany, The University of Alberta* Edmonton, Alberta, Canada T6G Calomnum is small germs of mosses of about a half dozen species that is restricted to the South Pacific and Australasia. Calomnion cmnpkimitum (Hook. f. & Wits.) Lmdb. {*** C, Imtum Hook, L & Wits,, illegitimate, earlier species included) is re- ported from New Zealand and Australia, C. denti- culaturn Mitt, is known from Samoa, C. sekistos- tegiellum (Besch.) Wijk 8? Marg, is known from tile Society Islands, and (7. melnnesicum ffv A* Miller has recently been described from Vanuatu and Fiji. Tire genus is defined by the following fea- tures! simple stems with terminal sex organs fac- rocarpy), dimorphic leaves in three ranks, highly differentiated perichaetial leaves, erect capsules* and the complete absence of a peristome. From Rhi~ zogonium sensu stricto, with which it shares many characters, it is distinguished by erect capsules and lack of a peristome. The leaves never possess a margin defined by a border of elongate cells as do some species of Rkizogottiuni. Species of Cntom- nion are found almost exclusively on tree fern trunks that are heavily matted with adventitious roots. During 1981, collections of bryophy uss from Lord Howe Island (3!*30'S, 159*05%) made by Helen Ramsay and myself included several specimens that represent a new species of Calmnmoti, here de- scribed as new to science. îunilo-quadraîae, iaeves, Perichaetia terminaba; folia 4.0 5*0 mm longa, fiexuosa subulata; costa longe excurrente. Flores dioici. Setae 0.8“ LO mm longae. Capsula« 1.2 1.4 mm tonga«, eylindrkae, erecta«, laeves, immersa« « Peristommm milium. Calyptrae cuculiatile. Calomnion ixtillert Vitt, sp. nov. TYPE; Lord Howe Island. E slope of Mt. Lidgbird, SE of Goat House Cave on montane slope, 21 Nov. 1981, Vitt 28?39 (holotype, ALT A; tsotypes, NY, NSW). Figures ML Planta« aureo-virides, ad 1.0 cm alta«, folia dimerpha* oblonga, acuminata, aristata, margine inerassata, integra: co*ta exclurent«; cellulae superiores 6-8 firn lata«, ro* Plants small, delicate, up to 1.0 cm brig, shiny, golden green, in dense mats on tree fern trunks. Sterns erect from persistent protonemata, simple, terminated by perigonia or perichaetia. Leaves along proximal region of stents small, lanceolate, acumi-'. nate, monoraorphic, loosely erect-spreading; leaves along distal portions of stems larger, dimorphic, in three distinct ranks; dorsal ranks of leaves somewhat erect-falcate to erect-deflexed when dry, erect when moist, i. 11.3 mm long, oblong to narrowly ovate- oblong, acuminate, stoutly aristate, ventral rank of leave.» erect when dry, 0.7-0.8 mm long, ovate to obovate, acuminate, cuspidate; margins entire, thickened and appearing revolute; costa strong, sin- gle, excurrent and filling the arista or cusp; upper cells 6 8 fim wide, rounded-quadrate, thick-walled, smooth, unistratoee except at margins, there the marginal 2-4 rows distinctly bistratose forming a strongly differentiated birder; basal cells rounded - quadrate to shortly elliptic-rectangular, thick-walled, smooth; alar cells undifferentiated. Perichaetial leaves loosely erect, strongly differentiated from vegetative ‘leaves, 4,0“-5.0 mm long, linear to linear-lanceolate, subulate to long-acuminate; perigonial leaves loosely erect, strongly differentiated from vegetative leaves, 2.1 “2,3 mm long, subulate from an ovate, sheath- ing, expanded base. Dioicous, Setae 0.8-1.0 mm long, erect, smooth; capsules 1.2 1.4 mm long, cytindric, smooth, erect, immersed, sometimes slightly wider in lower portion; exotheeial cells 12" pm wide, 18“ 50 pm long, rounded*rectangular Hmm I: 53-55. 1991. ki /AW \ II ! \\ k\ lì t I /, \\ ' V V fV AI fbev O~^^S2^q^Ôo0Ÿ L ft O$ü0Onoí% <Sft8SS%
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Calomnion milleri Vitt