Baccharis halimifolia L.
Filed As
Baccharis halimifolia L. -
NY Barcode: 1034564
Occurrence ID: c1bee900-ca6e-46a8-97de-8b27a681b750
All Determinations
Location Notes
[West Indies]
a i a ne are se« the foi gii ga’ re¿ Do I i lil THE ARNOLD ARBORETUM of HARVARD UNIVERSITY 22 Divinity Avenue, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 02138, U.S.A. Dec. 15, 1986 Mr. John Pruski New York Botanical Garden Bronx, N.Y. 10458 Dear Mr. Pruski: The Baccharis situation is a good case of "you know more than I do". When the Vives specimens was sent to me I checked out herbarium and came to the conclusion I did. However I have not studied the plants in detail nor in the field and haven't reached the family or gnenus for my Flora of the Lesser Antilles but my notes indicate there is a major problem. Frankly I don't know the distinctions between any of the species. Where does B. dioca Vahl fit into the scheme. I noted question marks on Heering's key in Urban Symb. Ant. If you are working on this group more power to you. All I can say is it needs work. Sincerely, . Richard A. Howard Baccharis The New York Botanical Garden Plantas de Puerto Rico Cu*© JUy&b-PujvCtè'tÀctr) dM. frA« PfiAAdA*, *186 Puerto Rico, Mun. Luquillo, Bosque de Luquillo, Pico del Este. BOTANICAL NEW YORK BOTANICAL GARDEN 01034564 <8> IMAGED Arbusto de 2—3 m. de altura, tallo leñoso 2.5 a 3 cm. de diam., hojas viscosas, de color amarillo o grisáceo, poco follaje. P. Vives, V. Arocho, 16 de octubre, 1986. O*
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Baccharis halimifolia L.