Rhodospatha rubropunctata Croat

  • Filed As

    Rhodospatha rubropunctata Croat sp. nov.

  • Collector(s)

    D. C. Daly 8669 with M. Silveira, D. Costa, A. R. S. Oliveira L. Lima, C. S. Figueiredo, C. Ehringhaus, 21 Nov 1995

  • Location

    Brazil. Acre. Tarauacá Mun. Basin of Rio Juruá, Rio Tarauacá, left bank, Reserva Indígena Praia do Carapaná, Seringal Universo, Colocaçao Vista Alegre.

  • Habitat

    Primary terra firme forest on terrain deeply dissected by many streams, soils apparently poorly drained.

  • Description

    terrestrial herb. Terrestrial aroid forming a dense population in the middle of a shallow stream, inflorescences erect, fruits immature. Phenology of specimen: Fruit.

  • Identifiers

    NY Barcode: 472025

    Occurrence ID: acbdba56-6a88-4816-b245-6c716711a210

  • Feedback

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  • Region

    South America

  • Country


  • State/Province


  • County/Municipio

    Tarauacá Mun.

  • Locality

    Basin of Rio Juruá, Rio Tarauacá, left bank, Reserva Indígena Praia do Carapaná, Seringal Universo, Colocaçao Vista Alegre.

  • Coordinates

    -8.4494, -71.3492

  • Distribution

    Map all specimens of this taxon

The New York Botanical Garden
Rhodospatha rubropunctata Croat sp. nov
det. Tom Croat, 1998
Flora of Acre, Brazil
The New York Botanical Garden
Universidade Federal do Acre
No. 8669	Araceae
Brazil. Acre, Mun. Tarauacá: Basin of Rio Juruá, Rio
Tarauacá, left bank, Reserva Indígena Praia do Carapaná,
Seringal Universo, Colocagao Vista Alegre. 8°26’58"S,
71°20’57"W. Primary terra fírme forest on terrain deeply
dissected by many streams, soils apparently poorly
Terrestrial aroid forming a dense population in the middle
of a shallow stream, inflorescences erect, fruits immature.
D. C. Daly, M. Silveira, D. Costa, A. R. S. Oliveira,
L. Lima, C. S. Figueiredo & C. Ehringhaus 21 Nov 1995
Supported by the National Science Foundation