Andira vermifuga Mart. ex Benth.

  • Filed As

    Andira vermifuga Mart. ex Benth.

  • Collector(s)

    G. Eiten 9849 with Liene T. Eiten, 10 Dec 1969

  • Location

    Brazil. Mato Grosso. Barra do Garças Mun. Crest of Serra do Roncador, along new road 152 km NNE of village of Xavantina. 4.5 km S of Córrego Tangúru. In stand 8.

  • Habitat

    Dwarf to midtall scrub savanna of cerrado [See label for further habitat description.].

  • Description

    Shrub 1.6 dm. tall. Young green fruit with slight butyric odor. Phenology of specimen: Fruit.

  • Identifiers

    NY Barcode: 00981919

    Occurrence ID: f3628a23-3316-4996-998b-dcc191d913ef

  • Feedback

    Send comments on this specimen record

  • Region

    South America

  • Country


  • State/Province

    Mato Grosso

  • County/Municipio

    Barra do Garças Mun.

  • Locality

    Crest of Serra do Roncador, along new road 152 km NNE of village of Xavantina. 4.5 km S of Córrego Tangúru. In stand 8

  • Coordinates

    -15.8903, -52.2567

  • Coordinate Uncertainty (m)


  • Georeferencing Method

    Other source. The coordinates represent the seat of the municipio.

  • Geodetic Datum


  • Distribution

    Map all specimens of this taxon

v • ,	.
ra verrnifuga (Martius) Bentham
. R.T. Pennington (E)	Jan. 1994
Municipio de Barra do Gargas: crest of Serra do Roncad or, along new
road,oaJL52 km NNE of village of XAVANTINA. 10 Dec 19d9
U.5 km S of Corrego Tsnguru. In Si;and 8.
(On gently-sloped divide between Xlngu drainage to west and Rio das Mortes-
Aragu&ia drainage to east; terrain flat (XT' gently rolling. Xeromorphic “cerrado"
scrub or woodland (savanna sens, lat-%3M uplands, narrow gaUery forest along
brooks. A narrow band of grassy, seasonally marshy campo borders the gaUery
forests, separating them from the cerrado-. These pampo* usually have scattered
circular groves of cerrado scrub a few meters in diameter on slightly raised soil,
each with a termite mound. Underlying rock of region is sandstone, giving rise
to slightly clayey fine-sandy deep latosol, sterile and reddish or yellowish-tan
with almost no humus on uplands, sterile and light gray on upper valley slopes,
blade with humus In upper layer on lpwer valley slopes and floors. In restricted
areas, small laterlte blocks or quartz pebbles may form a thin permeable subsurface
layer, or upper soil layer may be purely of laterlte pebbles. Region Just starting
to be settled. Most gallery forests still virgin; cerrado and campo uncut except
small areas by houses; grazing none, or local and slight. Cerrado burned every
few years; so far this has only reduced lower shrub density in a few areas
without affecting basic physiognomy. >
Habitat of this n.°: dwarf to midtail scrub savanna of
cerrado. (Irees 3-4- m 'fcell» only 4—5 per hectare•
Cover of shrubs over 1/2 m -tall leas than 1«*. Shrubs
1-3 m tall are (1-) 2-3 m apart. Old Tristachva
grass stems to 2 1/2 ? tall«}
This n®s shrub 1*6 m tall. Young green fruit with
slight butyric odor»
leg. George Eiten & Liene T. Eiten, n.° 98^9
r -iV	v fe ’
Distributed by the Institute de Bot&niea, Sfto Paulo