Swartzia xanthopetala Sandwith

Swatt2ia xanthopetala Sandw.
Det. J.C. Lmcf«rnan !*•« •
05 15 N 58 45 W	Alt. 0-100 m
Waraputa Compartment, ca. 25 Km S of Mabura,
Walla ba forest on white sand, wrch Bperus grand/flora,
Leeythis corrugata, Eperua falcata, Dicymbe sp., Ormosia
coutinhoi, Swartzia benthamiana.
Tree, 20 m tall, diam above buttresses 0.35 m.
8uttresses 4*5 x 0.4-0.5 x 0.1*0 2 rr>. Bark reddish
grey-brown, flaky, lenticellate. Flakes vertical.
Irregular, elongate, 1-20 x 1-10 x 0.1-0.3 cm, leaving
redbrown patches where drooped off. Lenticels round .
densely arranged, 1 mm diam. Dead bark ca. 1 mm thick,
light brown. Living bark 1.5*2 mm thick, light brown,
with numerous exudating layers. Exudate red, in
coalescent droplets, clear, sticky. Leaflets grey-green
below. Young twigs, petiole, rachis and petidules
yellow-brown velutinous. Blades slightly glaucous above.
Inflorescences camiflorous, yellow-brown velutinous.
Petal yellow.
Separate: wood; slides bark, slash,
M. Polak	nr 354