Inga rubiginosa (Rich.) DC.

err v. swowith
SF* TOPl<eC>^NlC*l tiAfiDFN
Slender tree 26 m, high; corolla
pale green with v&ita pubescence;
filaments pure white; anthers yellow
Korlhcm »lope of Akarai Mouutoins, in «IruniAge of Shodkkar Creek
(lisseqmlo tributury); dense for««; alt. JW-tWO in.
Cottottd under Iheifipif ft »/the Amiriwt .UiiHVUt uf tfatuwl
JIulory TerryJlvltloi Krpt<Mion, icit/* ita coll-injruUvn
of Ihe AVeo Wrk ¡Svlaiucul Qardttt