Licania longistyla (Hook.f.) Fritsch

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    Licania longistyla (Hook.f.) Fritsch

  • Identifiers

    NY Barcode: 903547

    Occurrence ID: 1a238575-b210-4263-9b5d-31835ed56086

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Institute of Systematic Botany, Utrecht (U)
Herbarium University of Suriname (BBS)
Licaiiia loiigistyla (Hook.f.)Fritsch
Ley. : J.C. Undoman, A. R.A Gdfts van Rijn, M.J. JansenJacobs
&	A.M.C. UcttcrscheidHoJiiints
d.d. • 1G-IX- 1980	No. 380
Wood sample Uw : 26/.* 5	Det.: J.C.Lindemart 1951
Vem, name:	* o o mj>
Hab.: area oi Kabalebo Dam project, distr. Nickerie, 4 5 NtJ,
57° 30' • SS° WV_, aH. 30 -130 m.
Pina marsh forest in valley of small savaflfl*
forest cresk Vi of road km 58.7
Small tree, 7 cm diam,, 7 tall, >with fallen
fruit and seedlings.